Sports podiatry

Sports injuries need professional attention by a podiatrist
Our podiatrists at The Foot Group assist athletes to deal with many kinds of sports injuries

The stresses of sports mean that injuries need immediate attention

Sporting activities and exercise place a greater demand on your body than normal day-to-day activities. Unsurprisingly, injuries to the foot and lower limb make up a large proportion of sporting injuries.

Injuries don’t always signal themselves with pain. If they go unnoticed they can create an imbalance in your feet and legs, and the repeated strain can lead to more significant problems.

At The Foot Group, we have a number of treatments and rehabilitation methods to help fix your injuries such as:

  • Orthotics
  • Exercises
  • Rehabilitation
  • Surgery if necessary

We understand the structure and movement of the foot so we can provide suitable advice on sports shoes to suit your specific needs and sport.

Sports tapes

We also offer a wide range of supportive sports tapes. When correctly applied, sports tape provides support to muscle and ligament injuries, allowing athletes to return to their activities sooner and with greater confidence.

At The Foot Group we offer the most appropriate sports tape products and techniques for athletes

The two main types of sports tape are:

Rigid strapping tape

Rigid taping is primarily utilised to restrict and limit the movement of joints.

A muscle sprain or strain often brings on acute pain, and the unstable joint requires immediate stabilisation and firm support. Restricting excessive joint movements with rigid taping helps alleviate pain and reduces load on the affected structures within the foot, enabling faster recovery. The tape is usually applied for between 24 and 72 hours.

Kinesiology strapping tape

Kinesiology Tape is a thin, flexible tape designed to increase stability, reduce swelling and inflammation and relieve pain in injured joints or muscles. Originally developed to enhance athletic performance, its elastic properties make it different from regular strapping tape, allowing full motion of body parts and providing dynamic support.

If you have a sporting injury or need advice on appropriate footwear, don’t hesitate to give us a call or book your appointment today.

Our Brookvale clinic at Suite 144, 117 Old Pittwater Road


Suite 144, 117 Old Pittwater Road

See map

Tel  9938 2222

Our Lane Cove clinic at Shop 3, 152-154 Longueville Road

Lane Cove

Shop 3, 152–154 Longueville Road

See map

Tel 9428 3000